Cloud VPS

Speed, security, and flexibility with cloud VPS servers

Hostico offers you a complete and reliable solution for VPS Cloud, so you can enjoy performance, security, and support at the highest level!

Cloud VPS Standard

— Ideal balance between processing, memory, and storage for diverse applications.

Public IP
1 CPUs
25 GB
2 GB
1 IPv4
2 CPUs
50 GB
4 GB
1 IPv4
4 CPUs
100 GB
8 GB
1 IPv4
4 CPUs
150 GB
16 GB
1 IPv4
8 CPUs
300 GB
32 GB
1 IPv4
16 CPUs
500 GB
64 GB
1 IPv4

VPS Control

A high-performance VPS deserves a control panel to match!
Hostico Control Panel

The VPS control panel from Hostico offers an intuitive interface, with quick access to essential information about server resources, live monitoring, and management. You can manage and customize server settings, monitor resource usage, and easily control accounts and domains, always having a clear picture of the server's performance and status.

cPanel Control Panel

cPanel/WHM is a complete web hosting management solution. cPanel allows users to easily manage websites, emails, and databases, while WHM offers administrators control over the entire server, enabling the creation and management of cPanel accounts. Together, cPanel and WHM provide flexibility and efficiency for server and web hosting management.

Plesk Control Panel

Plesk is an easy-to-use control panel for managing servers and web hosting, ideal for beginners and professionals. With an intuitive interface, it allows the management of websites, emails, databases, SSL certificates, and security settings from a single place. It is renowned for its advanced security features and application integration, such as the WordPress Toolkit.

ISPConfig Control Panel

ISPConfig is a free and open-source control panel for server management, offering extensive features for managing web hosting. Users can manage multiple servers from a single interface, having access to options for websites, emails, databases, and DNS. It is a flexible solution with no licensing costs, suitable for VPS servers.

Terminal Control Panel

The Linux terminal is a command line interface that allows users to interact directly with the system through text commands. Essential for advanced users and administrators, the terminal provides full access to the system's functions and resources, being a flexible and powerful tool for management and customization.

Why choose Hostico's Cloud?

The following features make Hostico an excellent choice for hosting your online projects, providing you with performance, security, and reliable support.


Our servers are equipped with NVMe technology, which provides superior access and data transfer speeds. As a result, your website or application runs flawlessly, offering users a fast and smooth experience, regardless of the demands of modern applications.


Configure your VPS server exactly as you need! At Hostico, you can adjust resources quickly and easily, so you can efficiently respond to the fluctuating needs of your business without making long-term compromises.


We are here for you, 24/7! Our support team provides quick and professional help, regardless of the technical challenges faced, ensuring the consistent performance of your server.


Choose the control panel that suits you! Hostico provides you with solutions like ISPConfig, cPanel, or Plesk, giving you intuitive and efficient control over your VPS server.


You benefit from free server management, including the installation and configuration of the operating system and control panel. Focus on growing your business while we take care of the technical side!


We protect VPS servers against DDoS attacks with the ArborNet Protector system. We automatically detect and block any threats, ensuring the stability and security of your online business.


Your data security is our priority! With automatic daily encrypted backups, Hostico protects important information and ensures quick data recovery in case of issues.


Live monitoring of VPS servers provides continuous oversight of performance and resources. We quickly identify any issues and respond promptly to maintain server stability.

24/7 we are here to help!

Discover friendly and dedicated support

Do you have questions or need help? Our support team is here for you, ready to provide quick answers and effective solutions! At Hostico, we are dedicated to providing you with the best web hosting experience, with friendly support available 24/7. Come and let's discuss your needs and find the best solutions together!


Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ section is designed to quickly answer the most common questions related to our services. Explore the frequently asked questions and discover how we can simplify your experience!

Care este diferența dintre serviciile de găzduire tradiționale și cele de găzduire în cloud?

The advanced development of hosting services has rapidly brought innovations both in terms of applications used in the web industry, but also to the equipment and technologies, so one of the key factors to consider at the moment is the type of web hosting solution you choose.
Until now, the traditional hosting solutions represented by: shared servers, virtual private servers (VPS) and dedicated servers still dominate the web hosting market, but with the new technologies developed, more and more people opt for Cloud hosting services.

Pentru a înțelege diferența dintre găzduirea tradițională și cea cloud, trebuie mai întâi să înțelegem ce este găzduirea tradițională.

Shared hosting

Este reprezentat de conturi individuale plasate pe un singur server fizic, cu un panou de control ușor de utilizat.
Deoarece există mai multe site-uri web pe un singur server, resursele CPU, RAM și spațiul sunt partajate, astfel încât găzduirea partajată suportă de obicei mai multe site-uri mici sau cu trafic redus.

Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

VPS equipment will host multiple sites, but unlike shared hosting, it offers much more memory resources and processing power.
Although the websites are shared, each website has its own virtual server (virtualized by different methods) providing complete isolation of the server, so the resources are dedicated to the owned website.

Dedicated servers

Există soluții de găzduire pentru proiecte mari sau cu trafic ridicat, necesitând astfel resurse considerabile de procesare și memorie. Comparativ cu cele două tipuri de găzduire prezentate mai sus, serverele dedicate implică cele mai mari costuri, făcându-le un serviciu de nișă, de obicei, pentru companii.

Indiferent de opțiunea tradițională de găzduire aleasă, stocarea datelor va fi realizată pe un singur server fizic, acesta fiind o limitare în ceea ce privește redundanța informațiilor stocate, care nu este prezentă în cazul serviciilor de găzduire Cloud.

Cloud hosting

Cu tehnologie de vârf, serviciul cloud va stoca fișierele nu pe un singur server, ci pe mai multe servere simultan, oferind astfel o maximă redundanță a datelor, securitate și performanță în comparație cu soluțiile de găzduire tradiționale. În plus, deoarece resursele necesare pentru stocarea bazei de date a site-ului sunt distribuite pe mai multe servere, arhitectura unică de găzduire în cloud garantează o fiabilitate maximă.

Un alt aspect important de menționat este că, datorită scalabilității sale facile și a cache-ului avansat, site-urile găzduite vor performa mai bine și costurile vor fi mai mici comparativ cu un server dedicat (sau chiar un VPS tradițional).

In conclusion, the choice of the right solution for the developed project is closely related to the needs of the website. If it is a small website that does not show spontaneous growth, then the solution of traditional hosting services can be useful, but if the website gains popularity, it will require more resources and scalability to effectively manage the growing traffic, this being offered in cloud hosting services.

Care este diferența dintre SSD și NVMe
Solid State Drives (SSD)

Este un dispozitiv hardware care utilizează tehnologia de stocare "solid-state" prin intermediul memoriei flash.
Spre deosebire de stocarea convențională pe hard disk (HDD), SSD-urile nu au părți în mișcare, rezultând în viteze de transfer de date mult mai rapide.

NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express)

Similar to SSDs, it is a type of flash storage that does not contain moving parts; in addition, it implements non-volatile memory, a memory that can store your data even after the power is turned off.
NVMe is faster than traditional flash storage, enabling more efficient data transfer between storage systems and servers.
In terms of speeds, they are up to six times faster than SATA-based SSDs and 10 times faster than hard drives, which is especially noticeable when writing and reading large files, thus being recommended for projects that include this type of data.
Given that it is a relatively new technology, the acquisition cost will be slightly higher, but the performance offered will be justified by the processing speeds.

Notable differences between the two technologies are:

  • NVMe storage has non-volatile memory for data storage
  • Transfer speeds for large files are unmatched by SSDs
  • Creștere considerabilă a operațiunilor de citire și scriere care pot fi executate simultan.
Ce este KVM?

KVM (acronym for Kernel-based Virtual Machine), is a virtualization technology based on the Linux kernel with hypervisor function, which offers the possibility to create and manage virtual machines with different operating systems.
The created virtual machines offer functions typical of physical systems, including virtual BIOS as well as virtual hardware, represented by processor (CPU), memory (RAM), storage, network cards, etc., thus completely simulating a physical process.
The technology is used to isolate, develop and test applications in different environments. However, we will find it very often in Web hosting companies, within VPS (physical virtual server) packages.

Unlike operating system virtualization (OpenVZ - level 2 hypervisor), KVM (even if it is a level 2 hypervisor, works as a level 1 hypervisor) will provide an experience very close to a physical server

Iată câteva dintre beneficiile utilizării virtualizării KVM:

  • performanță ridicată în procesarea datelor
  • scalarea automată a resurselor pentru a răspunde la încărcări mari pe măsură ce numărul mașinilor virtuale de pe un echipament crește
  • securitate îmbunătățită datorită implementării directe a KVM în codul sursă al nucleului Linux
  • acces complet la echipamente
Care este diferența dintre un VPS și un server dedicat?

The needs of each company differ from case to case, when we discuss Web hosting solutions, for this reason it is important to inform ourselves before making a purchase, so that the choice made is as correct as possible. Large projects that require processing power or extended storage will typically have two solutions available: Dedicated Servers or Virtual Private Servers (VPS).

Dedicated servers are represented by physical equipment in the form of a server that contains components such as: processor, motherboard, hard disk, IO controllers, memory, etc. In most cases, dedicated servers have powerful resources designed to accommodate websites with heavy traffic or in some special situations, it will be used only to run a single application. However, the performance of the dedicated server also comes with some disadvantages, represented by: high cost of acquisition and maintenance, physical portability and last but not least the need for management knowledge, because most dedicated servers are offered without administration from the Web company. If these issues can be overlooked, the dedicated server provides a robust and stable operating experience.

VPSs are essentially virtual servers (or virtual machines in some cases) that emulate the behavior and resources of a physical server. Unlike dedicated servers, where the ownership of the equipment is owned only by one person / entity, VPSs share physical equipment with several users, each of them being isolated from each other. This isolation process is accomplished through a virtualization software called a hypervisor, which manages the physical server's resources to assign them to each virtual machine.
For the vast majority of applications, run and response times will be the same regardless of whether they are running on a dedicated or virtual server.
Considering this aspect together with the ones listed below, the purchase of a VPS is in most cases recommended compared to the purchase of a dedicated server.
VPS vs. dedicated server benefits:

  • More affordable prices through the uniform distribution of computing resources
  • Oferă o configurare și o gestionare a securității mult mai simple și mai ușoare
  • Mașinile virtuale au un proces de recuperare în caz de dezastru mult mai bun, mai fiabil și mai simplu decât un server fizic
  • Migrating easily from one physical server to another or in virtual environments
Do you offer Windows hosting?

În prezent, oferim găzduire doar pe servere cu sisteme de operare GNU/Linux.


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